Apartmani M Zelenika

Apartmani M Zelenika

  • Zelenika
  • Severova voda 5
  • Sobe-Apartmani
  • € 0 - €0
  • €0 - €0
  • €0 - €0

Apartmani "M" Zelenika

Dobrodošli u Apartmane "M" u Zelenici, savršeno mjesto za vaš ljetnji odmor u malom primorskom mjestu nadomak Herceg Novog. Naša ponuda uključuje trosobni i dvosobni apartman, idealne za porodice i grupe prijatelja koji žele uživati u blizini mora i svih lokalnih sadržaja.

Trosobni apartman (3+3+2)

  • Kapacitet: Smještaj za do 8 osoba
  • Lokacija: 150 metara od mora
  • Internet: Besplatan Wi-Fi
  • Televizija: Kablovska TV
  • Parking: Privatni parking
  • Dvorište: Prostrano privatno dvorište, idealno za opuštanje, druženje i igru djece
  • Dodatni vanjski tuš: Za dodatnu udobnost i osvježenje nakon povratka s plaže

Dvosobni apartman (2+2+1)

  • Kapacitet: Smještaj za do 5 osoba
  • Lokacija: 150 metara od plaže
  • Internet: Besplatan Wi-Fi
  • Klima uređaj: Dostupan za ugodan boravak u vrućim ljetnim danima
  • Televizija: Kablovska TV
  • Parking: Privatni parking
  • Terasa: Prostrana terasa s pogledom na okolinu, idealna za uživanje u jutarnjoj kafi ili večernjim satima

O Zelenici:

Zelenika je slikovito primorsko mjesto koje pruža savršenu ravnotežu između mirnog odmora i pristupa brojnim aktivnostima i sadržajima.

  • Plaže: Lijepe i čiste, s plažnim barovima i dječijim igralištima, idealne za obitelji
  • Prirodne ljepote: Bujna vegetacija i čist vazduh čine Zeleniku savršenom za opuštanje
  • Kulturni sadržaji: Hramovi, kulturni spomenici i etno sela nude bogatu istorijsku i kulturnu baštinu
  • Turistički brodići: Mogućnost istraživanja obale i obližnjih mjesta (Bokokotorski zaliv,Luštica,Rose,Mamula,Arza,Žanjic,Mirišta,Plava špilja...)
  • Šetalište: Predivno šetalište pokraj mora koje povezuje Zeleniku s Igalom, idealno za večernje šetnje

Lokalni sadržaji:

Zelenika i okolna mjesta nude širok spektar sadržaja za sve potrebe:

  • Kupovina i usluge: Mega market, Ekspres restoran, Maestro-brza hrana, Home market, Intersport, Tehnomax, Okov, Kips, Zdravo bakery & cakeshop, knjižare, trafike, pekare, pečenjara, piljara, zdrava hrana
  • Gastronomska ponuda: Kafane, kafe barovi, restorani, picerije
  • Druge usluge: Butici, frizerski saloni & saloni ljepote, pošta, bankomati, apoteka, fudbalski teren

Blizina važnih lokacija:

  • Herceg Novi: 3 km udaljen
  • Porto Novi Resort: 2 km udaljen
  • Lazure Marina: 1 km udaljena

U Apartmanima "M" Zelenika, uživajte u savršenom odmoru uz sve potrebne sadržaje i pogodnosti, dok istražujete ljepote crnogorske obale i bogatu kulturnu baštinu. Dobrodošli!

Apartments "M" Zelenika

Welcome to Apartments "M" in Zelenika, the perfect place for your summer vacation in a small coastal town near Herceg Novi. Our offer includes a three-bedroom and a two-bedroom apartment, ideal for families and groups of friends who want to enjoy the proximity to the sea and all the local amenities.

Three-Bedroom Apartment (3+3+2)

  • Capacity: Accommodation for up to 8 people
  • Location: 150 meters from the sea
  • Internet: Free Wi-Fi
  • Television: Cable TV
  • Parking: Private parking
  • Yard: Spacious private yard, ideal for relaxation, socializing, and children's play
  • Additional Outdoor Shower: For extra comfort and refreshment after returning from the beach

Two-Bedroom Apartment (2+2+1)

  • Capacity: Accommodation for up to 5 people
  • Location: 150 meters from the beach
  • Internet: Free Wi-Fi
  • Air Conditioning: Available for a comfortable stay during hot summer days
  • Television: Cable TV
  • Parking: Private parking
  • Terrace: Spacious terrace with a view of the surroundings, ideal for enjoying morning coffee or evening relaxation

About Zelenika:

Zelenika is a picturesque coastal town that offers the perfect balance between a peaceful retreat and access to numerous activities and amenities.

  • Beaches: Beautiful and clean, with beach bars and playgrounds, ideal for families
  • Natural Beauty: Lush vegetation and fresh air make Zelenika perfect for relaxation
  • Cultural Sites: Temples, cultural monuments, and ethno villages offer a rich historical and cultural heritage
  • Tourist Boats: Opportunity to explore the coast and nearby islands
  • Promenade: Beautiful seaside promenade connecting Zelenika to Igalo, ideal for evening walks

Local Amenities:

Zelenika and the surrounding area offer a wide range of amenities for all your needs:

  • Shopping and Services: Mega market, Express restaurant, Maestro fast food, Home market, Intersport, Tehnomax, Okov, Kips, Zdravo bakery & cakeshop, bookstores, kiosks, bakeries, grill houses, greengrocers, health food stores
  • Dining Options: Taverns, cafes, bars, restaurants, pizzerias
  • Other Services: Boutiques, hair salons & beauty salons, post office, ATMs, pharmacy, football field

Proximity to Key Locations:

  • Herceg Novi: 3 km away
  • Porto Novi Resort: 2 km away
  • Lazure Marina: 1 km away

At Apartments "M" Zelenika, enjoy a perfect holiday with all the necessary amenities and conveniences while exploring the beauties of the Montenegrin coast and its rich cultural heritage. Welcome!


  • plaže 150m


  • sopstveno kupatilo
  • WiFi Internet
  • frižider
  • parking
  • terasa
  • TV
  • kuhinja
  • klima